few months ago I stumbled upon something you might have heard of. It’s called
Twitter. A friend gave me a quick overview.
I didn’t entirely get it. I did not understand what this "twitter"
thing was.
I joined, because in the end this technology lark catches up with you, and I began
casually tweeting, without a clue that it would one day TAKE OVER MY LIFE.
am not exaggerating.
have begun having Twitter dreams in which people turn into 140 character
messages that dance madly about. I’ll be halfway through a conversation and
start considering how I could turn our chat into a re-tweetable gem.
have started hashtag tweeting through tv shows. #xfactor #kirsty #downton. Two months ago I had no idea what a hashtag
was. This was a happier time.
could barely contain myself when I got my first celebrity retweet.
am about to reach the milestone of 500 tweets. Maybe I need to kick my habit?
is drinking tea, Rachel is at work, Rachel might brush her hair in a moment,
Rachel does nothing except play on Twitter, really.
is making some changes.
needs to get out more. Rachel cannot seriously be about to choose a new phone
based on its tweeting ability. Rachel shamelessly wants followers. Rachel
should get a life.
goodbye. I’m going. I am definitely leaving. I need to leave before I start
using haha and lol at the end of every sentence.
first I should probably tweet this new blog post. And really, Stephen Fry is so
witty. Actually why don’t you just follow me for a little bit?
out, I really am a twit. Lol.
I found your blog through twitter which I found through your article on investopedia. Overall, twitter is a nice little microphone.